Mastodon designing futures where nothing will occur

zaterdag 27 april 2013

After Neoliberalism?

This is no time for simple retreat. What is required is a renewed sense of being on the side of the future, not stuck in the dugouts of the past. We must admit that the old forms of the welfare state proved insufficient. But we must stubbornly defend the principles on which it was founded – redistribution, egalitarianism, collective provision, democratic accountability and participation, the right to education and healthcare – and find new ways in which they can be institutionalised and expressed. All of us who oppose the current direction, whether from inside or outside party politics or other organisations, must invent. We must set about disrupting the current common sense, challenging the assumptions that organise our 21st-century political discourse. We hope our manifesto will open a dialogue with a new generation shaped by different political experiences. This is a moment for challenging, not adapting to, neoliberalism's new reality, and for making a leap.
...en esthetisch discours zou ik daar, haast vanzelfsprekend, aan willen toevoegen. Stuart Hall (oude naam uit de studietijd, Resistance Through Rituals is een sociologische klassieker) kondigt een nieuw manifest aan dat in delen gaat verschijnen. We zullen zien maar het is al een opluchting om een culturele theoreticus de term 'toekomst' zo expliciet te zien gebruiken.

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